Best web hosting for WordPress hosting 000Webhost Free

WordPress hosting. Where and because it is among the most prominent hosting at the moment, you can get a free website that does not cost anything. In addition to how free WordPress hosting works and free hosting.

hosting WordPress

Creating a beautiful website is a dream that has existed since time immemorial. Writing articles or blogging. Creating a website as part of a student's project is a great deal for many reasons.

What is 000WebHost Free Web Hosting?

Simply, start playing a movie or browsing a book on your computer.

What are you doing? Simply open the Computer and enter the folder containing the entire program. The process was simple and smooth, but I looked into the details. In your workplace, you need a working computer. Added to the file handler, like a proper file viewing program like Adobe Acrobat for a book or Media Player for a movie... isn't it.

Unique hosting in storage. Like a hard disk, the operator of your website is on the Internet.

Additionally, he works in a mobile development environment.

This was hosting your own online space. You can easily create your own website.

What is the difference between hosting and paid, which is better?

The picture will not talk about this point, best free hosting. But with the simplicity and ease of free hosting like freeware and free apps lack many features and are not very reliable, unfortunately. As well as the picture shown in the picture, as well as the picture shown in the picture shown in the picture.

000WebHost offers free hosting that comes with the features that features provide.

Easy to use website builder with WordPress support, with PHP, MySQL and cPanel support.

000WebHost Free Hosting Review

Perhaps one of the most important advantages of 000WebHost's free hosting is that it gives you uptime, uptime and uptime, which saves you the time your site is up and running without any problems (IE without crashes) 000webhost hosting gives you up to 99% of your uptime! This is a great feature, in addition to the fact that other free Loan hosts are the same and most of them do not share App Time information initially.

000WebHost Free Hosting Review

On the other hand, in terms of pricing, it gives you the ability to create 2 databases as well as 5 email accounts and 2 websites to take full advantage of it.

How to create a free website with WordPress 000WebHost

1. Go to 000WebHost through this link and then click Register Free. Note that the site design changes from time to time, but the content is the same.

2. Now you must complete filling in the data on the page, whether the registration is via your e-mail. Or you can register directly with your Gmail or Facebook account. Naturally, this hosting does not offer a free. Com domain. But you can get a trial domain through a site like .000webhost. And don't forget that all this is for testing purpose only.

3. Once you fill in the data correctly, you will find that the free hosting has been sent to your email automatically. As you can see from the message, all you have to do is click on the link in it to activate the account. Then log in using the name and password mentioned in the message.

4. Once your account is activated, you will be able to create a free website with 000Webhost Hosting. The company allows you to create a blog or online store. If you want to create a blog, you can click Start Blog. If you want to create a store, you can click Create online store.

5. After choosing the type of website you want to create, you can choose the "Niche" domain for the site. Where you can determine whether it is related to sports news, fashion and other existing fields.

6. Once you have chosen the website domain you want, a new window will open. In it, you can type the name of the site as well as the password. But this time it is automatically generated by the site, where the password is for the website only and has nothing to do with the user account.

After choosing a website name, 000WebHost offers three different ways in which users can create the website:

Upload Website Direct: This option is best suited for people who own their website files and want to upload files to the hosting site.

This WordPress website builder is the perfect choice for anyone who wants to create a WordPress website hosted by 000WebHost.

With 000WebHost cPanel: You'll find dozens of options, including Gyro Website Builder, a program that can help you design and build your website from scratch on your free hosting.

Advantages and disadvantages of 000WebHost WordPress free hosting

Advantages of 000WebHost

The advantage of free hosting is that it allows you to practice using hosting and learn how to create websites for free, which will later help you to buy hosting from companies like GoDaddy or Bluehost for a fee, but then you will save yourself time to learn.

Practically speaking, you can actually make a completely free website with free hosting, but you can't make a site that lasts for a long time without problems! This leads us to talk about the main disadvantages that we will not separate because we discussed them with you in a previous article.

Disadvantages of 000WebHost Hosting is very limited and this is in terms of storage space it provides you and also in terms of data transfer rate (bandwidth) as well.

The free hosting works with a rather weak processor, so you will notice the long loading time of your site as well as its low efficiency.

Unfortunately, free hosting displays ads on your site, and if you think about this point, you will find that this is normal. Otherwise, how will the hosting company benefit from you?! Fortunately, we can stop hosting 000WebHost ads, which we will explain later in this article.

Unfortunately, the technical support in the free hosting is almost non-existent, as the company offers the free hosting service in addition to the paid hosting service, and who do you think will have priority in obtaining technical support.

Paid customer or free? If you are looking for a company that offers 24 hour technical support, you can read our article “Explanation of Buying GoDaddy Hosting and Domain for $1 per Month”.

Free hosting does not offer great protections and also does not provide SSL certificates, but on the other hand, some companies like 000WebHost provide protection from DOS attacks.

On the other hand, the main drawback of free hosting is that it is not permanent! The Company is able to close your account at any time and without prior notice.

Well, above we explained everything you might want to know about free hosting, now we have to go explain 000webhost in a few minutes and then start using it.